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difference 的形容词和反义词是什么?

  • difference 的形容词和反义词是什么?
  • different,similar


  • different反义词是什么意思
  • same 相同的


  • 比喻不在联系的成语
  • 【成语】:分道扬镳【拼音】:fēn dào yáng biāo【解释】:分路而行。比喻目标不同,各走各的路或各干各的事。【出处】:《魏书·河间公齐传》:“洛阳我之丰沛,自应分路扬镳。自今以后,可分路而行。”【示例】:第二军总司令李烈钧,亦向广西进发,~,为国效力去了。 ★蔡东藩、许廑父《民国通俗演义》第五十九回【近义词】:各奔前程、风流云散【反义词】:志同道合、并驾齐驱【语法】:作谓语、定语、宾语;用于书面语【英文】:separate and go different ways【日文】:それぞれ别の道を行く。〈喻〉めいめい思い思いの道を进(すす)む【德文】::hier trennen sich die Wege【俄文】:пойти рáзными путями【成语故事】:北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳,洛阳县官元志与御史中尉李彪在路上相遇,双方都认为自己的官职比对方的高而互不相让,就去找孝文帝评理。孝文帝说:“洛阳是寡人的京城,应该分路扬镳。你们各走各的道就是。”(分道扬镳,分道扬镳)亦作“分路扬镳”。1.分道而行。《魏书·拓跋志传》:“﹝拓跋志﹞与御史中尉李彪争路……高祖曰:‘洛阳我之丰沛,自应分路扬镳。自今以后,可分路而行。’”《文明小史》第五五回:“吃了一顿中饭之后,各人穿各人的长衫,和秦王二人分道扬镳。”蔡东藩许廑父《民国通俗演义》第五九回:“除唐督留守外,第一军总司令蔡锷,先向四川进发,第二军总司令李烈钧,亦向广西进发,分道扬镳,为国效力去了。”2.才力相当,各有千秋。《南史·裴子野传》:“兰陵萧琛言其评论可与《过秦》、《王命》分路扬镳。”明沉德符《野获编·兵部·武臣好文》:“时汪太函、王弇州,并称其文彩,遂俨然以风雅自命。幕客郭造卿辈,尊之为元敬词宗先生,几与缙绅分道扬镳。”清王士禛《古诗笺·凡例》:“明远篇体惊奇,在延年之上。谢之与鲍,可谓分路扬镳。”3.犹独树一帜,各行其是。《北史·文苑传序》:“梁自大同之后,雅道沦缺,渐乖典则,争驰新巧。简文、湘东启其淫放,徐陵、庾信分路扬镳。”顾笑言等《李宗仁归来》第三章:“这一夜,李宗仁一直没有合眼。他先是在屋中踱步,回忆着与蒋介石勾心斗角,屡屡遭到暗算的往事,一个与其分道扬镳的腹桉,渐渐形成。”


  • same的反义词
  • same的反义词是different,祝好运。望采纳,谢谢

南长区2015数学小升初毕业卷 急用

  • 南长区2015数学小升初毕业卷 急用
  • 一、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(5分)  ()1.A.nameB.gradeC.haveD.plane  ()2.A.seeB.meetC.greenD.eraser  ()3.A.bikeB.fineC.behindD.different  ()4.A.theseB.thereC.threeD.that  ()5.A.babyB.manyC.goodbyeD.strawberry  二、按要求写单词。(10分)  1.light(缉埂光忌叱涣癸惟含隶反义词)_________2.buy(过去式)_________  3.one(序数词)_________4.theseconddayinaweek(同义词)_________  5.knife(复数)_________6.Japan(形容词)_________  7.lets(完全形式)________8.four(同音词)___________

3.一道大学英语大选择题 有答案想知道为什么 有参考答案:14.A 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.D

  • From Monday until Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and on weekends they are free and enjoy themselves. Some watch TV or go to the movies; others take part in sports. It depends on individual interests. There are many different ways to spend our spare time.Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be something from collecting stamps to making model airplanes. Some hobbies are very __14__; others dont _15_ at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money; others are valuable only ___16__ their owners.I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fiftycent piece__17__$250. He was very happy about his collection and thought the price was reasonable. On the contrary, my youngest brother ___18___ match boxes. He has almost 600 of them. But I doubt if they are worth any money. However, for my brother, they are ___19__ valuable. Nothing makes him ___20___ than to find a new match box for his collection.14. A. expensive B. interesting C. exciting D. cheap15. A. spend anything B. cost anythingC. pay nothingD. need something16. A. for B. to C. with D. of17. A. worth B. spent C. worthy D. used18. A. collects B. buys C. chooses D. selects19. A. extremely B. extreme C. complete D. special20. A. so happy B. that happy C. more happily D happier
  • Some hobbies are very expensive ; others dont cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money; others are valuable only for their owners.一些爱好是花钱很多的,其它的根本不需要花去任何东西,一些收藏品值得很多钱,其他仅仅只是拥有者很值钱贵重A short time ago he bought a rare fiftycent piece worth $250. He was very happy about his collection and thought the price was reasonable. On the contrary, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them. But I doubt if they are worth any money. However, for my brother, they are extremely valuable. Nothing makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.expensive英 [kspensv] 美 [kspnsv] adj. 昂贵的,花钱多的;豪华的 贵; 昂贵; 高价; 昂贵的 昂贵的;高价的 If something is expensive, it costs a lot of money. Wines so expensive in this country… 葡萄酒在这个国家非常昂贵。I get very nervous because Im using a lot of expensive equipment. 因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张expensively She was expensively dressed, with fine furs and jewels… 她穿戴着名贵的毛皮大衣和珠宝,非常奢华。They do a third-rate job very expensively. 他们收很多钱交出了三流的活儿。dear, expensive, costly这些形容词都表示物品价格“高的,昂贵的”之意。dear: 侧重指要价过高,或远高于公道、合理的价格,其反义词是cheap。expensive: 指物品的价格超过了它本身所值,或超过了购买者的支付能力。costly: 指物品价格高,通常是因物品稀少或珍贵所致。1.Admittedly, it is rather expensive but you dont need to use much. 的确很贵,但不需要用得很多。 2. Its too expensive and anyway the colour doesnt suit you.这个太贵,而且颜色也不适合你。 3. Art books are expensive to produce. 术书籍制作成本高。 4. Her bikini was one ……余下全文
